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Become the Professional Coach Every Company Wants.

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A coaching style of leadership helps you


Develop Talent

Use coaching to help people find their purpose and peak performance.


Develop Workplace Joy

Create environments where people find joy and fufilment.


Be a Catalyst for Change

Create change by unlocking the potential of others with coaching techniques.


Create Winning Teams

Unlock the performance of teams with coaching.


Lead Authentically

Align your leadership with your core values and beliefs.


Maximise Performance

Help people find their daily 1% improvement.

Who is Toby?

I started my career as a Software Developer. After a few years, I became more curious about the ingredients of a high-performance culture. This lead to a journey of self-discovery. Exploring how to unlock performance in myself so that I could help others. 

Googlers rated coaching as the top skill of great managers.

Project Oxygen


Blogs on Organisation, Team and Personal Development


Coaching approaches, techniques and tools to help maximise your personal development


Learn the three core skills of coaching: active listening, self-awareness, questions.


Try out my Facilitation Planning Canvas to help with your next workshop

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©2024 by Toby Sinclair.

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